Coding & Programming is an Art ! Multi cuantifica munca unui programator comparand valoarea lui cu a unui vanzator de legume…
Category: IT
If you are tired of having Google chrome write continuously to your system disk, seconds by seconds, then you can choose…
Draga Altex si Flanco, de ce nu vindeti doar Frigidere si Televizoare ? Lasati-i pe altii sa vanda chestii ce tin…
Below you have two useful functions when you want to periodically delete the contents of a folder, especially when working with…
Incet dar sigur lumea se schimba, iar tehnologiile pastrate cu sfintenie sub legea “dreptului de autor” incep sa piarda teren in…
Google made a new move against the competition, a move that was already “in operation” but hiddenly and if you’re an…
Another SPAM and irelevant sercah result in Google SERP , keywords: intel E5-2620 zombieload and this is one of the many cases in…
Au trecut cateva luni bune de la CES 2019 de cand tot asteptam cu sufletul la gura noutatile de la AMD…
Te-ai intrebat vreodata: cat consuma calculatorul meu cel vechi ? Oare mai merita sa-l tin sau sa cumpar altul mai eficient…