Hidden Secrets of Money, a series presented by Mike Maloney as he travels the world to discover the hidden secrets of…
Category: Control
A long time ago I had to choose between two video cameras (camcorder), JVC EVERIO GZ-GX1 or PANASONIC HC-V720 ~ And…
Primul meu contact cu un gadget de la Apple a fost cu multi-multi ani in urma si am ramas “masca” atunci…
The current form of economy, capitalism, was an “innovation” beneficial to technological and social development, but nothing is eternal and the…
De curios am facut o mica cercetare privind situatia populatiei in Romania privind diverse forme de venituri sau ce statut au…
In plina pandemie mondiala, profitorii sunt peste tot, de abia asteapta ceva oportunitati din care sa mai faca bani ! Ca…
In the heat of the global pandemic, the profiteers are everywhere, just waiting for some opportunities to make more money! As…
Un lucru este sigur, de cand concurenta in online a devenit una demna de luptele cu gladiatori din arenele imperiului Roman…