Cand esti un Anti Vaxxer convins, este greu sa accepti adevarul chiar si cand acest adevar este ascuns “la vedere” ,…
Author: byrev
Istoria a dovedit de prea multe ori ca prohibitia are un efect foarte nociv privind cresterea criminalitatii, dar majoritatea statelor continua…
The true American dream is actually a horror episode of the last 400 years! Most Americans live in absurd ignorance of…
3 Lucruri FOARTE importante pe care trebuie sa le verifici/schimbi cand cumperi Astra H GTC din seria 2004+ Furtunele, in special cele…
Majoritatea articolelor despre incalzirea globala si efectul de sera discuta numai despre CO2, un gaz care practic nu are relevanta semnificativa…
Extensive list of horror movies on topics of interest and categories. Enjoy! Series Wrong Turn Series Vacancy Series Hostel…
I declare myself a big “amateur” of good and very good movies, but above all I consider myself (along with Mihaela)…
Years: 1944-2000 – Captain America 1944 – Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi – Spider-Man 1967-1970 – Animation, Adventure, Family – The Low Price…
Maybe someone has done such an experiment, I did not search the whole internet, but below you have the result of…