Te-ai intrebat vreodata: cat consuma calculatorul meu cel vechi ? Oare mai merita sa-l tin sau sa cumpar altul mai eficient…
Author: byrev
The first and the simplest is using getcwd php function (Gets the current working directory) $current_directory = getcwd(); another three simple solutions using dirname…
Prefixes used in electronics, physics, computers, communications, chemistry, etc. Conversion of units is the transformation between different units of measurement for…
Daca nu stiati cine este vinovat de toate aberatiile din “Legea zgomotului” va spun eu: deputatul USR Matei Dobrovie. Acum stiti…
Political and economic propaganda is at the highest levels since the existence of capitalist economy and this is due to obvious…
Propaganda politica si economica este la cele mai mari cote de cand exista economie capitalista si asta datorita evident intereselor economice,…
De cand am scris despre WAHA, primul festival de psytrance la care am fost, am tot zis ca trebuie sa-mi fac…