Momentan doar Mozilla Firefox permite activarea ambelor optiuni, atat DNSESC cat si Encrypted SNI, celelalte browsere ori supoarta numai Secure DNS…
Author: byrev
Daca nu vedeam Another Round eram putin dezamagit de colectia de filme bune “stranse” in acest an, prea putine si nu chiar…
O unitate externa de aer conditionat dispune in principal de un radiator, un ventilator, un compresor O pompa de caldura Sol-Apa are ca idee: o…
Old and Saddened 🙁 – Young and Happy 🙂 Have a positive attitude Age could bring happiness for many people. If you give…
These are the best known headset models for mountain bike forks with 44mm frames headset. I saved them on the blog in…
This is the complete list crawled from web with Media Copyright Trolls: Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) LCJ Editions Productions…
Baking soda and its beneficial effects on human health … it is almost impossible not to find a personal use for…
De ce credeti ca se uzeaza bateriile de baie, bucatarie, robinetii, racordurile ? Majoritatea au undeva o slabiciune, fie ca este…
Hidden Secrets of Money, a series presented by Mike Maloney as he travels the world to discover the hidden secrets of…