Public DNS is a free DNS (global Domain Name System) resolution service, that you can use as an alternative to your…
Category: Tech
This solution requires your site to be hosted on a server using the Apache web server & that your web host…
Primul meu contact cu un gadget de la Apple a fost cu multi-multi ani in urma si am ramas “masca” atunci…
Fie ca esti un cumparator frecvent sau unul ocazional pe OLX, este aproape imposibil sa nu iei cel putin o teapa…
Lorem ipsum or just Lipsum is placeholder text commonly used in laying out web designs, print or graphic. For those who…
The next php function will provide you a fast and very simple two-way system to encrypt a string or decrypt an…
In plina pandemie mondiala, profitorii sunt peste tot, de abia asteapta ceva oportunitati din care sa mai faca bani ! Ca…
In the heat of the global pandemic, the profiteers are everywhere, just waiting for some opportunities to make more money! As…
Coding & Programming is an Art ! Multi cuantifica munca unui programator comparand valoarea lui cu a unui vanzator de legume…