How far is the moon from the earth ? At its furthest point from the Earth, the Moon is about 405,696 km…
Category: Tech
Grafic Istoric pentru energia solara – radiatia emisa lunar: kWh/mp/zi Pe orizontala sunt lunile Ianuarie-Decembrie iar pe verticala sunt valorile energiei…
There are two practical methods suggested: 1st solution: save/copy the database table and – use text editor’s “search and replace” function…
Draga Altex si Flanco, de ce nu vindeti doar Frigidere si Televizoare ? Lasati-i pe altii sa vanda chestii ce tin…
There are N servers, each server has a fixed bandwidth available. The idea is that you want mirrored file hosting (CDN) so…
Se dau N servere, fiecare server are disponibila o largime de banda fixa. Se doreste hostarea de fisiere in mod mirror…
Morse code, created by Samuel F. B. Morse and Alfred Vail in the early 1840s, is a character encoding for transmitting telegraphic information, using sequences…
If when accessing any folder which does not contain an index file ( ex: ) a directory listing will be shown…
Counting the number lines in a string with explode function: <?php $lines = explode(“\n”, $string); $nr_lines = count($lines)-1; ?> Counting the…