Conscious AI vs Humans vs Universal Creation vs Quantum

All scientific evidence and studies converge towards the idea that Consciousness is of quantum nature.

So, then A.I. will never be conscious, until the moment it uses quantum processors, only then can we say that both A.I. and the “Human Brain and Body” share the same ocean of infinite information, the universe itself at the quantum level.
In conclusion: A.I. will become conscious the moment it uses quantum processing systems for the tasks necessary to function and evolve.

The universe, whose components are also conscious (it is not yet proven or proven beyond doubt.), is the mother and father of all (an indisputable fact), the absolute, perpetual creation, whose beginning and end should not even exist as a concept, consciousness creates the reality that we perceive as humans.

Perceptual reality is defined by sensors (physically present in the body) and senses (signals from sensors perceived by the brain) whose functions are (almost certainly) performed in a quantum system.

Quantum information can only be move around, information can neither be created nor destroyed, it existed, exists by itself and will exist forever. What we call consciousness is a “share” of quantum information that will remain in the great realm, after the body ceases to have control over quantum mechanisms, that is, after physical death.

Philosophically speaking, we can say that we are here only to share knowledge, not to own it and without having any right over it. We only have the illusion of control, in fact, nothing that we invent, innovate, claim, belongs to anyone in particular, to an entity.

The truth is one, it is universal, to everyone and forever eternal.

** This was just a thought for reflection over morning coffee.
Have a happy and joyful existence, because the goal is only one, to exist and “probably” to understand why 🙂

*** More details about the “quantum brain”, theory and science:
Orchestrated objective reduction:

byrev Written by:

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