The TOP 500 most used php functions by CMS – Wordpress, Drupal, Magento and more

I worked for a while until I found the answer to the most used PHP functions in the most popular CMS, but the work was worth it. At least I got an idea of how PHP uses a server’s resources and possibly optimizing the use of those functions that “eat” most of the computing power!

The CMS considered were the following: Wordpress, Drupal, Magento, Vanilla, Bbpress, Phpbb3, Typo3, Joomla, Serendipity, Impresspages, Dotclear, Smf, Minibb, Mindtouch, Mediawiki, Docuwiki, Phpwiki, Pmpwiki… and The versions used were those from 2019-2020.

* I will return in a few subsequent posts with an individual statistic on CMS, a top 100 for the most used functions for each CMS.

Rank Function Count %
1 isset 39447 12.63
2 empty 18201 5.83
3 sprintf 12952 4.15
4 count 12572 4.03
5 substr 11342 3.63
6 is_array 8736 2.8
7 implode 7453 2.39
8 unset 7380 2.36
9 strlen 6572 2.1
10 array_merge 6546 2.1
11 strpos 6270 2.01
12 explode 6199 1.99
13 str_replace 6194 1.98
14 in_array 5858 1.88
15 trim 5785 1.85
16 array_keys 4853 1.55
17 preg_match 4740 1.52
18 preg_replace 3858 1.24
19 strtolower 3746 1.2
20 htmlspecialchars 3709 1.19
21 dirname 2686 0.86
22 time 2411 0.77
23 list 2375 0.76
24 array_key_exists 2343 0.75
25 is_string 2143 0.69
26 array_map 1926 0.62
27 get_class 1797 0.58
28 file_exists 1752 0.56
29 array_values 1650 0.53
30 file_get_contents 1579 0.51
31 reset 1572 0.5
32 is_null 1567 0.5
33 is_object 1487 0.48
34 array_shift 1472 0.47
35 array_unique 1433 0.46
36 trigger_error 1398 0.45
37 function_exists 1390 0.45
38 array_filter 1318 0.42
39 defined 1312 0.42
40 json_encode 1311 0.42
41 intval 1304 0.42
42 date 1294 0.41
43 strtoupper 1280 0.41
44 chr 1271 0.41
45 is_numeric 1234 0.4
46 md5 1231 0.39
47 serialize 1228 0.39
48 array_pop 1198 0.38
49 ord 1160 0.37
50 array_diff 1085 0.35
51 strtr 996 0.32
52 define 970 0.31
53 rtrim 927 0.3
54 json_decode 906 0.29
55 pack 897 0.29
56 method_exists 882 0.28
57 basename 873 0.28
58 current 855 0.27
59 max 839 0.27
60 delete 823 0.26
61 microtime 810 0.26
62 func_get_args 810 0.26
63 round 805 0.26
64 unserialize 794 0.25
65 ltrim 786 0.25
66 call_user_func 779 0.25
67 str_repeat 770 0.25
68 strtotime 749 0.24
69 preg_quote 723 0.23
70 array_slice 721 0.23
71 class_exists 706 0.23
72 join 700 0.22
73 min 687 0.22
74 array_flip 679 0.22
75 call_user_func_array 665 0.21
76 realpath 663 0.21
77 ini_get 657 0.21
78 extract 641 0.21
79 ucfirst 641 0.21
80 unpack 636 0.2
81 fopen 633 0.2
82 base64_encode 629 0.2
83 compact 608 0.19
84 preg_split 602 0.19
85 key 599 0.19
86 is_dir 588 0.19
87 preg_replace_callback 587 0.19
88 parse_url 582 0.19
89 array_search 578 0.19
90 sizeof 568 0.18
91 header 554 0.18
92 version_compare 547 0.18
93 end 542 0.17
94 preg_match_all 536 0.17
95 mt_rand 531 0.17
96 floor 528 0.17
97 exit 526 0.17
98 fclose 520 0.17
99 urlencode 516 0.17
100 is_callable 515 0.16
101 array_reverse 501 0.16
102 fread 489 0.16
103 assert 475 0.15
104 sort 474 0.15
105 strip_tags 458 0.15
106 uniqid 454 0.15
107 die 448 0.14
108 ksort 443 0.14
109 rand 438 0.14
110 pathinfo 437 0.14
111 array_intersect_key 436 0.14
112 strrpos 434 0.14
113 array_replace_recursive 432 0.14
114 rawurlencode 421 0.13
115 stripos 418 0.13
116 array_unshift 411 0.13
117 abs 409 0.13
118 is_file 403 0.13
119 array_intersect 400 0.13
120 var_export 400 0.13
121 hexdec 395 0.13
122 fwrite 391 0.13
123 ceil 384 0.12
124 file_put_contents 375 0.12
125 is_int 371 0.12
126 str_pad 365 0.12
127 next 357 0.11
128 strstr 354 0.11
129 array_diff_key 351 0.11
130 printf 340 0.11
131 substr_count 335 0.11
132 gettype 328 0.11
133 unlink 328 0.11
134 addslashes 322 0.1
135 base64_decode 318 0.1
136 http_build_query 315 0.1
137 print_r 309 0.1
138 curl_setopt 301 0.1
139 is_resource 301 0.1
140 filesize 301 0.1
141 gmdate 300 0.1
142 mb_strtolower 298 0.1
143 user_error 296 0.09
144 array_combine 287 0.09
145 strftime 286 0.09
146 extension_loaded 286 0.09
147 is_a 284 0.09
148 strval 276 0.09
149 array_column 274 0.09
150 substr_replace 263 0.08
151 strcasecmp 262 0.08
152 range 257 0.08
153 number_format 250 0.08
154 fgets 248 0.08
155 array_push 243 0.08
156 is_bool 243 0.08
157 urldecode 242 0.08
158 file 238 0.08
159 mb_substr 232 0.07
160 sha1 230 0.07
161 ob_start 229 0.07
162 array_merge_recursive 226 0.07
163 echo 220 0.07
164 iterator_to_array 220 0.07
165 mb_strlen 220 0.07
166 mkdir 219 0.07
167 glob 216 0.07
168 ini_set 209 0.07
169 getenv 209 0.07
170 array_replace 208 0.07
171 array_walk 206 0.07
172 get_object_vars 202 0.06
173 flush 196 0.06
174 hash 195 0.06
175 ob_get_contents 193 0.06
176 copy 192 0.06
177 filemtime 190 0.06
178 rewind 189 0.06
179 ob_get_clean 187 0.06
180 strncmp 183 0.06
181 pow 183 0.06
182 htmlspecialchars_decode 182 0.06
183 ucwords 179 0.06
184 nl2br 175 0.06
185 filter_var 174 0.06
186 array_splice 173 0.06
187 rawurldecode 172 0.06
188 uasort 171 0.05
189 mktime 170 0.05
190 property_exists 169 0.05
191 parse_str 167 0.05
192 usort 165 0.05
193 fputs 164 0.05
194 asort 164 0.05
195 set_error_handler 164 0.05
196 is_scalar 163 0.05
197 log 161 0.05
198 stripslashes 157 0.05
199 error_reporting 155 0.05
200 spl_object_hash 151 0.05
201 strcmp 151 0.05
202 is_writable 150 0.05
203 array_fill_keys 150 0.05
204 main 150 0.05
205 rename 150 0.05
206 html_entity_decode 149 0.05
207 dechex 147 0.05
208 ob_end_clean 145 0.05
209 readdir 145 0.05
210 chmod 144 0.05
211 eval 143 0.05
212 str_split 139 0.04
213 debug_backtrace 137 0.04
214 phpversion 137 0.04
215 constant 136 0.04
216 is_readable 134 0.04
217 session_id 134 0.04
218 strtok 132 0.04
219 array_reduce 127 0.04
220 strcspn 126 0.04
221 array_fill 126 0.04
222 bin2hex 126 0.04
223 sleep 126 0.04
224 htmlentities 126 0.04
225 each 126 0.04
226 restore_error_handler 125 0.04
227 stristr 124 0.04
228 getimagesize 123 0.04
229 strspn 123 0.04
230 is_subclass_of 119 0.04
231 libxml_use_internal_errors 116 0.04
232 setlocale 114 0.04
233 exec 114 0.04
234 iconv 113 0.04
235 mb_convert_encoding 112 0.04
236 array_change_key_case 112 0.04
237 preg_grep 111 0.04
238 mail 111 0.04
239 tempnam 109 0.03
240 simplexml_load_file 109 0.03
241 touch 109 0.03
242 imagesy 103 0.03
243 strrev 101 0.03
244 imagesx 101 0.03
245 fseek 100 0.03
246 clearstatcache 100 0.03
247 escapeshellarg 95 0.03
248 array_chunk 95 0.03
249 strrchr 95 0.03
250 addcslashes 94 0.03
251 opendir 94 0.03
252 func_num_args 93 0.03
253 imagecreatetruecolor 93 0.03
254 imagecolorallocate 91 0.03
255 getcwd 91 0.03
256 lcfirst 91 0.03
257 memory_get_usage 88 0.03
258 feof 87 0.03
259 array_sum 86 0.03
260 scandir 85 0.03
261 floatval 82 0.03
262 func_get_arg 81 0.03
263 simplexml_load_string 81 0.03
264 stream_get_contents 80 0.03
265 flock 80 0.03
266 crypt 80 0.03
267 vsprintf 80 0.03
268 curl_exec 79 0.03
269 random_bytes 79 0.03
270 closedir 79 0.03
271 chdir 78 0.02
272 is_integer 77 0.02
273 curl_init 77 0.02
274 imagedestroy 77 0.02
275 mb_internal_encoding 75 0.02
276 curl_getinfo 74 0.02
277 ctype_digit 72 0.02
278 rmdir 71 0.02
279 is_float 70 0.02
280 ftell 70 0.02
281 utf8_decode 69 0.02
282 hash_hmac 69 0.02
283 array_pad 69 0.02
284 sys_get_temp_dir 69 0.02
285 get_class_methods 67 0.02
286 gmmktime 66 0.02
287 class_implements 66 0.02
288 imagefilledrectangle 66 0.02
289 random_int 64 0.02
290 crc32 63 0.02
291 interface_exists 62 0.02
292 mb_strtoupper 62 0.02
293 usleep 62 0.02
294 date_default_timezone_get 61 0.02
295 stat 60 0.02
296 stream_get_meta_data 59 0.02
297 imagealphablending 59 0.02
298 headers_sent 59 0.02
299 libxml_disable_entity_loader 58 0.02
300 utf8_encode 58 0.02
301 var_dump 57 0.02
302 json_last_error 56 0.02
303 spl_autoload_register 56 0.02
304 krsort 55 0.02
305 get_parent_class 55 0.02
306 chunk_split 54 0.02
307 token_get_all 53 0.02
308 array_diff_assoc 53 0.02
309 base_convert 52 0.02
310 imagesavealpha 52 0.02
311 setcookie 51 0.02
312 imagecopyresampled 51 0.02
313 fprintf 50 0.02
314 substr_compare 50 0.02
315 get_resource_type 50 0.02
316 fsockopen 50 0.02
317 xml_parser_create 50 0.02
318 ob_get_level 49 0.02
319 octdec 48 0.02
320 dir 48 0.02
321 mcrypt_generic_init 48 0.02
322 str_ireplace 47 0.02
323 date_format 47 0.02
324 curl_error 47 0.02
325 session_name 46 0.01
326 mb_strpos 46 0.01
327 php_uname 46 0.01
328 xmlrpc_server_register_method 46 0.01
329 curl_close 45 0.01
330 getmypid 45 0.01
331 set_time_limit 44 0.01
332 wordwrap 44 0.01
333 imagecolorallocatealpha 44 0.01
334 error_log 44 0.01
335 getdate 43 0.01
336 php_sapi_name 43 0.01
337 getSession 43 0.01
338 register_shutdown_function 43 0.01
339 mb_detect_encoding 42 0.01
340 ip2long 42 0.01
341 shell_exec 42 0.01
342 mysql_query 42 0.01
343 array_walk_recursive 41 0.01
344 gzinflate 41 0.01
345 print 41 0.01
346 decbin 40 0.01
347 date_default_timezone_set 40 0.01
348 fileperms 39 0.01
349 md5_file 39 0.01
350 hash_equals 38 0.01
351 uksort 38 0.01
352 is_link 38 0.01
353 spl_autoload_unregister 38 0.01
354 putenv 38 0.01
355 str_getcsv 38 0.01
356 error_get_last 37 0.01
357 iconv_strlen 37 0.01
358 curl_errno 37 0.01
359 stripcslashes 37 0.01
360 strnatcasecmp 37 0.01
361 mime_content_type 36 0.01
362 bindec 36 0.01
363 settype 36 0.01
364 srand 36 0.01
365 xml_parser_set_option 35 0.01
366 stream_context_create 35 0.01
367 date_create 34 0.01
368 get_called_class 34 0.01
369 session_write_close 33 0.01
370 move_uploaded_file 33 0.01
371 create_function 32 0.01
372 xml_get_error_code 32 0.01
373 link 32 0.01
374 socket_last_error 32 0.01
375 mcrypt_generic 31 0.01
376 array_multisort 30 0.01
377 oci_error 29 0.01
378 gzcompress 29 0.01
379 natcasesort 29 0.01
380 sqrt 28 0.01
381 session_start 28 0.01
382 json_last_error_msg 28 0.01
383 get_magic_quotes_gpc 28 0.01
384 fmod 28 0.01
385 imagepng 27 0.01
386 inet_pton 27 0.01
387 stream_resolve_include_path 27 0.01
388 proc_open 27 0.01
389 xml_parser_free 26 0.01
390 is_uploaded_file 26 0.01
391 arsort 26 0.01
392 socket_strerror 26 0.01
393 openssl_encrypt 26 0.01
394 readfile 26 0.01
395 imagecopy 26 0.01
396 expression 25 0.01
397 imagecolortransparent 25 0.01
398 stream_get_wrappers 25 0.01
399 mt_srand 25 0.01
400 ldap_search 25 0.01
401 openssl_random_pseudo_bytes 25 0.01
402 ldap_get_entries 25 0.01
403 mysql_real_escape_string 25 0.01
404 sha1_file 25 0.01
405 apcu_fetch 24 0.01
406 fstat 24 0.01
407 strncasecmp 23 0.01
408 array_rand 23 0.01
409 highlight_string 23 0.01
410 stream_set_timeout 23 0.01
411 class_alias 23 0.01
412 gzuncompress 23 0.01
413 mysql_error 23 0.01
414 fputcsv 23 0.01
415 is_writeable 23 0.01
416 memory_get_peak_usage 22 0.01
417 xml_error_string 22 0.01
418 gettext 22 0.01
419 split 22 0.01
420 set_exception_handler 22 0.01
421 escapeshellcmd 22 0.01
422 spl_autoload_functions 21 0.01
423 Locale::getDefault 21 0.01
424 xml_set_element_handler 21 0.01
425 strpbrk 21 0.01
426 stream_select 21 0.01
427 ctype_alpha 21 0.01
428 get_html_translation_table 21 0.01
429 ob_get_length 20 0.01
430 sin 20 0.01
431 fgetcsv 20 0.01
432 imagejpeg 20 0.01
433 decoct 20 0.01
434 imagefill 20 0.01
435 imagecreate 20 0.01
436 pg_escape_string 20 0.01
437 ignore_user_abort 19 0.01
438 mcrypt_create_iv 19 0.01
439 is_executable 19 0.01
440 gzdeflate 19 0.01
441 session_status 19 0.01
442 levenshtein 19 0.01
443 xml_get_current_line_number 19 0.01
444 imagecolorsforindex 19 0.01
445 gmp_init 19 0.01
446 get_magic_quotes_runtime 19 0.01
447 iterator_count 19 0.01
448 checkdate 19 0.01
449 timezone_identifiers_list 19 0.01
450 get_defined_constants 19 0.01
451 sqlsrv_errors 19 0.01
452 mb_convert_case 19 0.01
453 xml_set_character_data_handler 19 0.01
454 ftruncate 19 0.01
455 imagecreatefrompng 18 0.01
456 timezone_open 18 0.01
457 session_regenerate_id 18 0.01
458 iconv_substr 18 0.01
459 popen 18 0.01
460 apc_store 18 0.01
461 gethostname 18 0.01
462 curl_setopt_array 18 0.01
463 proc_close 18 0.01
464 strripos 18 0.01
465 dl 18 0.01
466 imagerotate 18 0.01
467 mb_check_encoding 18 0.01
468 mcrypt_module_open 18 0.01
469 date_parse 17 0.01
470 fileowner 17 0.01
471 gmstrftime 17 0.01
472 mb_strrpos 17 0.01
473 mb_strwidth 17 0.01
474 libxml_clear_errors 17 0.01
475 restore_exception_handler 17 0.01
476 mt_getrandmax 17 0.01
477 ereg 17 0.01
478 mhash 17 0.01
479 fgetc 17 0.01
480 grapheme_strlen 17 0.01
481 posix_getpwuid 17 0.01
482 bcmul 17 0.01
483 apcu_store 16 0.01
484 dbx_error 16 0.01
485 set_magic_quotes_runtime 16 0.01
486 fflush 16 0.01
487 array_count_values 16 0.01
488 openssl_error_string 16 0.01
489 gethostbyname 16 0.01
490 natsort 16 0.01
491 ldap_error 16 0.01
492 symlink 16 0.01
493 apcu_delete 16 0.01
494 stream_socket_client 15
495 get_declared_classes 15
496 apc_fetch 15
497 passthru 15
498 ob_clean 15
499 rsort 15
500 mb_stripos 15
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