Below you have a wordpress plugin with which you can insert JavaScript code for Adsense, Google Tag Manager or Facebook Like &…
Category: Wordpress
Display a list of randomly selected wordpress posts using the get_posts() function by changing the value of the orderby parameter (orderby=rand):…
If you are using a cache plugin like W3 Total Cache for wordpress and the website is behind a Varnish Cache Proxy,…
Pentru cei care utilizează HAProxy Load Balancer impreuna cu Wordpress, există o modalitate simplă de a schimba adresa de login a…
For those who use HAProxy Load Balancer with Wordpress server configuration there is a simple way to change the site’s login…
Daca folosesti serviciile CloudFlare atunci trebuie sa stii ca poti sa filtrezi mare parte din traficul inutil si chiar sa-ti securizezi…
If you use CloudFlare services then you must know that you can filter out much of the useless traffic and even…