If you want to find out how many files there are in a folder (and subfolders), below are 5 possible solutions,…
Category: Servers
The easiest way in Linux to optimize MYSQL data server performance, is to use mysqltuner script. MySQLTuner is a script written…
Have Linux GUI installed but you want to just boot in text mode (Command-line) and not starting the grafic mode interface …
Pentru cei care utilizează HAProxy Load Balancer impreuna cu Wordpress, există o modalitate simplă de a schimba adresa de login a…
For those who use HAProxy Load Balancer with Wordpress server configuration there is a simple way to change the site’s login…
There are N servers, each server has a fixed bandwidth available. The idea is that you want mirrored file hosting (CDN) so…
Se dau N servere, fiecare server are disponibila o largime de banda fixa. Se doreste hostarea de fisiere in mod mirror…